Ministerial Aid
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Since 1881 the Cumberland Presbyterian Church has been giving some financial assistance to the needy and aged ministers and their families in the denomination. The assistance given has always been small when compared with the actual bare necessities required by the ministers and their families. According to the records available, the Ministerial Relief (now Ministerial Aid), was not intended to take the place of a retirement program.
In 1885 an Endowment fund of $2,100 was established for the needy and aged ministers. In 1955 the Ministerial Aid Endowments totaled $100,682 and aided 85 beneficiaries. Today the Ministerial Aid Endowments total $3,765,492 and aid nine Cumberland Presbyterian Beneficiaries in the USA. Additionally, the Ministerial Aid Endowments distribute monthly aid to twelve beneficiaries in Cauca Valley Presbytery and Andes Presbytery in Colombia, South America and two Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America beneficiaries.
Over the last 136 years, the Ministerial Aid program has helped many ministers that have run into financial difficulties in their retirement years. Today the Ministerial Aid Endowments are larger than ever and there are not as many that need assistance but the program is vital to the few that do receive aid.
The Board of Stewardship also has established a short term special financial aid program for those who don’t qualify for Ministerial Aid, but have had a medical issue that has caused a financial hardship.
The Ministerial Aid program was established to help those in need of financial assistance and we want to help as many as possible. The Board of Stewardship works with presbyteries to serve ministers in need. If you know of a minister that may need some financial assistance in their retirement years, or has financial difficulties due to a physical or mental disability, please notify Alan Butler, Coordinator of Benefits, at the Cumberland Presbyterian Board of Stewardship.
*Excepts taken from the 1954 report of policies and administration of the Ministerial Aid Program.
Qualifications for Aid
Revised Basic Requirements
- Minimum age is full retirement age set forth by the Social Security Administration.
- Minimum years of service to the church – 15.
- Can qualify for aid if a participant in the Cumberland Presbyterian Retirement Plan if income is below poverty level as established by the US Census Bureau.
- Physical and/or mental disability (doctor’s statement required) at any age, however, a minimum of ten years service is required if less than 60 years of age.
- Individuals income cannot exceed federal poverty guidelines set forth for the year by the US Census Bureau. Poverty level is $12,760 a year or $1,063.33 a month for 2020.
- Couples income cannot exceed federal poverty guidelines set forth for the year by the US Census Bureau. Poverty level is $17,240 a year or $1,436.66 a month for 2020. (The GA Board of Stewardship is authorized to look at each case in light of unusual financial hardship; thus, application may be made even if income levels exceed the ceiling.)
- Presbytery obtains information and approves (approval can be given by the committee or board charged by presbytery with this responsibility); certification of approval is sent to the General Assembly Board of Stewardship.
- Surviving spouse is eligible if above items 2, 3 and 4 have been met.
**Note: Recipient is responsible to verify if receiving Ministerial Aid would affect his or her, SSI, Social Security or other benefits.